Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lewis' first haircut!

Brotherly love...

He sure loved his cupcake afterwards!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

...I want to be just like big brother! 💕

via Instagram

God Bless Harrison

The past two weeks have been really difficult for Harrison at school and home...he's having a rough time expressing his emotions and replacing it with screaming and crying. Harrison's lack of sleep last week from Lewis having a cold (coughing a lot in the night) didn't help at all. He has also become more scared of the dark and entering another room in the house by himself.

What's his mood going to be like when he comes home, what is going to set him off next... and yet he can give you a smile that melts your heart and laugher that fills your soul.

I have begun (finally) reading "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. I want to help him to be the best Harrison he can be and to learn how to help him, help myself, help our family.

Yesterday he came home from school super excited to share with me that he had two fun breaks (choice breaks, incentives for making the right choice) in 1-4-5 (room number 145 but I loved how he says 1-4-5). First one was for doing well in math class and second was for not screaming during recess (I am assuming while lining up to go back inside).

This is a season, it will pass as we work together and pray for guidance.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Trains, Aquarium and Ackbar

Saturday morning we ventured to the train show at Pacific Science Center. It was so nice to get there early and leave before it became to crazy busy!

Monday adventures to the aquarium! 

Sunday marked the day Harrison finally got his goldfish! Welcome Admiral Ackbar!


My older sister asked if I would join her in choosing one word to focus on for the year.

I chose acceptance...

Accept that God is control
Accept having loud, messy, fun, loving boys
Accept that I am human, I make mistakes
Accept asking for forgiveness AND that I am forgiven and move forward, not to dwell 
...I am sure many more ways of acceptance will come to mind later today, this week, month

God is so GOOD! 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Men at work

Lewis was very fascinated!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

35 years young...

I am overflowing with love from my family and friends as I celebrated my 35th birthday yesterday.

I have struggled with depression and anxiety for many years, up and down. Mostly good days, weeks, and months. However the past couple weeks have been really difficult. The anxiety has become stronger and harder to breathe through. I am thankful to not shy away from asking for help, therefore I am receiving medical help and counseling.

I long to pray more, giving my anxieties to God and releasing the tight reins of control. I long to remember that I am NEVER alone! God is always next to me, walking in front of me, or following me.

I simply want to be the best Sara, wife and momma that I can be. Here's to year of leaning more on God and letting HIM take control.

Morning coffee date with Lewis 
Harrison really wanted to teach me how to put Legos together :)
He was a patient teacher 
Heartlake cupcake cafe is complete!
Here's to leaning more on God and working toward letting go of control. God is so good!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year 💕

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