Moving back to Seattle has been a much harder transition then I could have EVER imagined. This week marks 10 weeks back home.
Currently what's stored in my mind and heart:
Moving for a 2nd time on August 12 (miscommunication with the relocation team)...after our dear cat Katrina entered Cat Heaven.... And Cinnamon is super mad about the move = peeing and pooping outside her box
Trip to Portland resulted in a dislocated knee and then Momma to the rescue (Praise God that I did not break any bones and I can walk/drive/stand without crutches or a huge brace)
No storage for toys, books, baby items...simply stuff is plied here, there everywhere
And having a newborn...
BUT in the mist of this transition I continue to know God is good! One step at a time, one foot in front of the other...