Harrison and I have had a great week! Preschool is going very well, he is always smiling and telling me he had a great time when I pick him up. What a huge Blessing! I have greatly enjoyed my alone time while he is at school- coffee shop and reading. I just finish reading Debbie Maccomber's Between Friends, a recommendation from my dearest friend Aliza. The book is about two friends who have written letters to each other, staring at a young age. Aliza and I started writing each other since we were in junior high and continue to do so (well right now emailing is the way to go since I am on the other side of the world). Since junior high we have never lived in the same city and the letters in may ways made us feel close to each other. I will be meeting Aliza in London October 10th-13th!!! This is will our first weekend together without kids and uninterrupted conversation. I am very thankful for Bill taking vacation time off to be with Harrison, I think it will be a great father/son time while Momma is away,
On Monday night I played my first game of Bunco- it was so much fun!!! I am looking forward to next months ladies game night. Tuesday we picked out paint colors for the bedrooms at the duplex. Our room will be a light brown, Harrison's room will be purple (his favorite color!!), Bill's office will be dark green and the guest room a tan shade, I will be sure to post pictures once it is done. We have hired painters...definitely the right choice! I am so ready to be out of the hotel! We are hoping to move in the week of September 23rd...that is if our sea shipement doesn't get held up at customs. Please pray for me, I need patience as I am so tired of being in the hotel.
Wednesday after school we met our friends Stella and Ethan at Inorbit Mall- Chili's for lunch, train ride and some time well spent at the arcade. It was an awesome afternoon!
Thursday after school we rushed back to the hotel so I could surprise Harrison with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney Junior. Harrison loves Clubhouse but it usually comes on while he is at school but yesterday they were doing a special for Pluto's birthday... Harrison was super excited!!! Later in the afternoon we had a wonderful play date with our friends Laura and Jude! Jude calls Harrison "Karrison" and had been asking about him all morning...so sweet! I have loved getting to know Laura more each week and finding out how many things we have in common. I treasure our weekly play date.
This evening and tomorrow (all day) I will be attending a women's conference, SHINE at Pearl City Church. I have never been to a women's conference before and really looking forward to being connected with other women and great speakers.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and I miss you!
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