Getting the call from Harrison's school Monday morning sent me into high anxiety mode. Bill and I knew we would get covid at some point and no time would be the "right" time. I am thankful Harrison's only symptom was being tired. I picked Lewis up from school though his test was negative. Bill and I took a rapid test Monday with results being negative. I spent the morning rescheduling appointments. Lewis was scheduled for two school visit days and those will happen at a later will all be okay. God has always guided us and having to reschedule visits and appointments is okay. It was out of my control and that is tough for me. The outpouring of support from my friends was incredibly sweet. I didn't need anything since we have plenty of food and food delivery is contactless. So we hunkered down for the week.
Speaking of door service...I was set to meet my two friends for coffee and instead one friend dropped off a breakfast sandwich and chocolate, rushed home and we had coffee and breakfast via Zoom, Thank you Nina and Catherine. |
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